Particle Processes
A major area of research within the Computational Modelling Group is into modelling particulate processes. Such process are of immense importance across a wide range of industries, from food and pharmaceuticals to detergents and catalysts.
The interests in the group can be split into two broad classes: modelling industrial particle processes; and developing new computational techniques for representing associated phenomena. In the first catagory, there are active collaborations with various companies, developing models for such systems as spray-drying towers for washing powder manufacture and granulation units for production of laundry tablets. There is even research into the perfect crumble topping! In the development of new computational techniques, members of this theme work closely with those in the CoMo Group's Nanoparticles Theme, investigating ways of solving the population balance models which can be used to descibe many of the particle processes of interest.
Recent Associated Preprints
288: Injection of charge from non-thermal plasma into a soot forming laminar coflow diffusion flame
Yong Ren Tan, Yichen Zong, Maurin Salamanca, Jacob W. Martin, Jochen Dreyer, Jethro Akroyd, Wenming Yang, and Markus Kraft, Technical Report 288, c4e-Preprint Series, Cambridge, 2022.
278: Detailed modelling of aerosol growth dynamics
Astrid Boje and Markus Kraft, Technical Report 278, c4e-Preprint Series, Cambridge, 2021.
269: The role of oxygenated species in the growth of graphene, fullerenes and carbonaceous particles
Gustavo Leon, Jacob W. Martin, Eric J. Bringley, Jethro Akroyd, and Markus Kraft, Technical Report 269, c4e-Preprint Series, Cambridge, 2021.
Yong Ren Tan, Maurin Salamanca, Laura Pascazio, Jethro Akroyd, and Markus Kraft, Technical Report 255, c4e-Preprint Series, Cambridge, 2020.
Recent Associated Publications
On the reactive coagulation of incipient soot nanoparticles
Dingyu Hou, Laura Pascazio, Jacob W. Martin, Yuxin Zhou, Markus Kraft, and Xiaoqing You, Journal of Aerosol Science 159, 205866, (2022).
Stochastic population balance methods for detailed modelling of flame-made aerosol particles
Astrid Boje and Markus Kraft, Journal of Aerosol Science 159, 105895, (2022).
The role of oxygenated species in the growth of graphene, fullerenes and carbonaceous particles
Gustavo Leon, Jacob W. Martin, Eric J. Bringley, Jethro Akroyd, and Markus Kraft, Carbon 182, 203-213, (2021).
Gustavo Leon, Angiras Menon, Laura Pascazio, Eric J. Bringley, Jethro Akroyd, and Markus Kraft, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38(1), 1449-1457, (2021).
Funding has generously been provided by EPSRC, P&G, and AstraZeneca.