Full List of Publications co-authored by Simon Rihm.
Number of publications listed in category: 112024
Simon D. Rihm, Yong Ren Tan, Wilson Ang, Hou Yee Quek, Xinhong Deng, Michael Teguh Laksana, Jiaru Bai, Sebastian Mosbach, Jethro Akroyd, and Markus Kraft, Nexus 1(3), 100031, (2024).
Question-answering system for combustion kinetics
Laura Pascazio, Dan N. Tran, Simon D. Rihm, Jiaru Bai, Sebastian Mosbach, Jethro Akroyd, and Markus Kraft, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 40, 105428, (2024).
The digital lab manager: Automating research support
Simon D. Rihm, Yong Ren Tan, Wilson Ang, Markus Hofmeister, Xinhong Deng, Michael Teguh Laksana, Hou Yee Quek, Jiaru Bai, Laura Pascazio, Sim Chun Siong, Jethro Akroyd, Sebastian Mosbach, and Markus Kraft, SLAS Technology 29(3), 100135, (2024).
Dynamic knowledge graph applications for augmented built environments through ‘‘The World Avatar’’
Hou Yee Quek, Markus Hofmeister, Simon D. Rihm, Jingya Yan, Jiawei Lai, George Brownbridge, Michael Hillman, Sebastian Mosbach, Wilson Ang, Yi-Kai Tsai, Dan N. Tran, Soon Kang, William Tan, and Markus Kraft, Journal of Building Engineering 91, 109507, (2024).
Hacking decarbonization with a community-operated CreatorSpace
Aleksandar Kondinski, Sebastian Mosbach, Jethro Akroyd, Andrew Breeson, Yong Ren Tan, Simon D. Rihm, Jiaru Bai, and Markus Kraft, Chem 10(4), 1071-1083, (2024).
Transforming research laboratories with connected digital twins
Simon D. Rihm, Jiaru Bai, Aleksandar Kondinski, Sebastian Mosbach, Jethro Akroyd, and Markus Kraft, Nexus 1(1), 100004, (2024).
A dynamic knowledge graph approach to distributed self-driving laboratories
Jiaru Bai, Sebastian Mosbach, Connor J. Taylor, Dogancan Karan, Kok Foong Lee, Simon D. Rihm, Jethro Akroyd, Alexei A. Lapkin, and Markus Kraft, Nature Communications 15, 462, (2024).
Chemical Species Ontology for Data Integration and Knowledge Discovery
Laura Pascazio, Simon D. Rihm, Ali Naseri, Sebastian Mosbach, Jethro Akroyd, and Markus Kraft, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 63(21), 6569-6586, (2023).
Modelling a detailed kinetic mechanism for electrocatalytic reduction of CO2
Simon D. Rihm, Jethro Akroyd, and Markus Kraft, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39(4), 5647-5655, (2023).
On the role of C4 and C5 products in electrochemical CO2 reduction
Simon D. Rihm, Mikhail K. Kovalev, Alexei A. Lapkin, Joel W. Ager, and Markus Kraft, Energy & Environmental Science 16(4), 1697-1710, (2023).
Fully Automated Kinetic Models Extend our Understanding of Complex Reaction Mechanisms
Simon D. Rihm, Jiaru Bai, Laura Pascazio, and Markus Kraft, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 95(5), 740-748, (2023).