Full List of Publications co-authored by Richard West.
Number of publications listed in category: 102009
Matthew S. Celnik, Markus Sander, Abhijeet Raj, Richard H. West, and Markus Kraft, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32, 639-646, (2009).
A statistical approach to develop a detailed soot growth model using PAH characteristics
Abhijeet Raj, Matthew S. Celnik, Raphael Shirley, Markus Sander, Robert I. A. Patterson, Richard H. West, and Markus Kraft, Combustion and Flame 156, 896-913, (2009).
A Detailed Model for the Sintering of Polydispersed Nanoparticle Agglomerates
Markus Sander, Richard H. West, Matthew S. Celnik, and Markus Kraft, Aerosol Science and Technology 43, 978-989, (2009).
First-Principles Thermochemistry for Silicon Species in the Decomposition of Tetraethoxysilane
Weerapong Phadungsukanan, Shraddha Shekar, Raphael Shirley, Markus Sander, Richard H. West, and Markus Kraft, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113(31), 9041-9049, (2009).
A detailed kinetic model for combustion synthesis of titania from TiCl4
Richard H. West, Raphael Shirley, Markus Kraft, C. F. Goldsmith, and William H. Green, Combustion and Flame 156, 1764-1770, (2009).
First-Principles Thermochemistry for the Combustion of a TiCl4 and AlCl3 Mixture
Raphael Shirley, Yaoyao Liu, Tim Totton, Richard H. West, and Markus Kraft, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113, 13790-13796, (2009).
Modelling gas-phase synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes on iron catalyst particles
Matthew S. Celnik, Richard H. West, Neal M. Morgan, Markus Kraft, Anna Moisala, John Wen, William H. Green, and Henning Richter, Carbon 46(3), 422-433, (2008).
Aromatic site description of soot particles
Matthew S. Celnik, Abhijeet Raj, Richard H. West, Robert I. A. Patterson, and Markus Kraft, Combustion and Flame 155(1-2 ), 161-180, (2008).
Toward a Comprehensive Model of the Synthesis of TiO2 Particles from TiCl4
Richard H. West, Matthew S. Celnik, Oliver R. Inderwildi, Markus Kraft, Gregory J.O. Beran, and William H. Green, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 46(19), 6147-6156, (2007).
First-Principles Thermochemistry for the Production of TiO2 from TiCl4
Richard H. West, Gregory J.O. Beran, William H. Green, and Markus Kraft, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 111(18), 3560-3565, (2007).