• Preprint 332

Technical Report 332, c4e-Preprint Series, Cambridge

Beyond Connected Digital Twins – from GIS to The World Avatar

Reference: Technical Report 332, c4e-Preprint Series, Cambridge, 2024

Associated Themes:
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  • Integration of geospatial data and knowledge models with dynamic, real-time insights.
  • TWA enables strategic decisions on climate resilience, infrastructure placement, and heat planning.
  • Drives detailed analysis of decarbonisation policies, revealing socioeconomic impacts.

Graphical abstract This paper introduces The World Avatar (TWA), an open-source knowledge-world model developed to represent complex, dynamic systems by integrating spatial, temporal, and real-time data. TWA showed capability in addressing critical challenges in urban management, including resilience, infrastructure planning, and decarbonisation. We trace the origins and evolution of digital twins, culminating in the development of TWA as an ultimate form of knowledge-world model. The unique capability of TWA to facilitate seamless interaction between human stakeholders and diverse data sources is highlighted, showcasing its potential to solve urban challenges. This paper presents select use cases that demonstrate the abilities of TWA to integrate Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Building Information Modelling (BIM) to address key exemplary issues related to climate change mitigation, energy optimisation, and strategic infrastructure placement. Our demonstrations revealed that TWA surpasses the limitations of traditional digital twins by enabling seamless integration of various data sources and supporting dynamic real-time decision making. Interfaces such as GIS, BIM, dashboards, mobile applications, and augmented reality enhance human-machine interactions within TWA. The presented use cases demonstrate the generation of impactful insights that would not have been possible without TWA's holistic integrated approach. As an open community project, TWA offers a scalable and adaptable path for cities to adopt sustainable and data-driven solutions, and to develop more resilient and intelligent urban infrastructures. We invite the community to collaborate and enhance infrastructure development using the innovative capabilities of TWA.


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