Luke Miller
Luke graduated from the University of Nottigham in 2008 with a First-Class Honours in Physics, his thesis was entitled "Quantum Reflection of Ultra-Cold Atoms" and involved computational modelling of Bose-Einstein condensates. He went on to study Part III of the Mathematics tripos at the University of Cambridge in 2009 before joining the CoMo group the following year. Luke's research focuses on modelling the combustion sythesis of titanium dioxide nanoparticles and is funded by Tioxide Europe Limited.Research Themes
Recent Preprints
100: Theoretical insights into the surface growth of rutile TiO2
Raphael Shirley, Jethro Akroyd, Luke Miller, Oliver R. Inderwildi, Uwe Riedel, and Markus Kraft, Technical Report 100, c4e-Preprint Series, Cambridge, 2011.
Recent Publications
Theoretical insights into the surface growth of rutile TiO2
Raphael Shirley, Jethro Akroyd, Luke Miller, Oliver R. Inderwildi, Uwe Riedel, and Markus Kraft, Combustion and Flame 158(10), 1868-1876, (2011).
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