• PotCI-31-693-700

Numerical simulations of soot aggregation in premixed laminar flames

Authors: Neal M. Morgan, Markus Kraft*, Michael Balthasar, David Wong, Michael Frenklach, and Pablo Mitchell

Reference: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31(1), 693-700, (2007)


In this paper we make use of a detailed particle model and stochastic numerical methods to simulate the particle size distributions of soot particles formed in laminar premixed flames. The model is able to capture the evolution of mass and surface area along with the full structural detail of the particles. The model is validated against previous models for consistency and then used to simulate flames with bimodal and unimodal soot particle distributions. The change in morphology between the particles from these two types of flames provides further evidence of the interplay among nucleation, coagulation, and surface rates. The results confirm the previously proposed role of the strength of the particle nucleation source in defining the instant of transition from coalescent to fractal growth of soot particles.

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*Corresponding author:
Telephone: +44 (0)1223 762784 (Dept) 769010 (CHU)
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
University of Cambridge
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United Kingdom
Website: Personal Homepage