Li Cao
Post Doc

I completed my Ph.D in Prof. Hua Zhao's engine research group at Brunel University, in 2005, and continued to work on full cycle 3D CFD simulation on HCCI engine as a research fellow later on. I joined the Computational Modelling Group in January, 2007. Currently I am working on the Combustion Modelling of transient SI-HCCI combusiton mode.Research Themes

Recent Preprints
65: Influence of Injection Timing and Piston Bowl Geometry on Diesel PCCI Combustion and Emissions
Li Cao, Amit Bhave, Haiyun Su, Sebastian Mosbach, Markus Kraft, Antonis Dris, and Robert M. McDavid, Technical Report 65, c4e-Preprint Series, Cambridge, 2009.
Li Cao, Haiyun Su, Sebastian Mosbach, Markus Kraft, and Amit Bhave, Technical Report 54, c4e-Preprint Series, Cambridge, 2008.
Recent Publications
Influence of Injection Timing and Piston Bowl Geometry on PCCI Combustion and Emissions
Li Cao, Amit Bhave, Sebastian Mosbach, Haiyun Su, Markus Kraft, Antonis Dris, and Robert M. McDavid, SAE International Journal of Engines 2(1), 1019-1033, (2009).
Li Cao, Haiyun Su, Sebastian Mosbach, Markus Kraft, Amit Bhave, Sanghoon Kook, and Choongsik Bae, SAE Paper 2008-01-0021.
Contact Details
Email: | |
Telephone: | +44 (0)1223 762874 |
Address: | Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology University of Cambridge West Cambridge Site Philippa Fawcett Drive Cambridge CB3 0AS United Kingdom |