Two Stage Fuel Direct Injection in a Diesel Fuelled HCCI Engine
Two-stage fuel direct injection (DI) has the potential to expand the operating region and control the autoignition timing in a Diesel fuelled homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine. In this work, to investigate dual-injection HCCI combustion, a stochastic reactor model, based on a probability density function (PDF) approach, is utilized. A new wall-impingement sub-model is incorporated into the stochastic spray model for direct injection. The model is then validated against measurements of combustion parameters and emissions carried out on a four stroke HCCI engine. The initial results of our numerical simulation reveal that the two-stage injection is capable of triggering the charge ignition on account of locally rich fuel parcels under certain operating conditions, and consequently extending the HCCI operating range. Furthermore, both simulated and experimental results on the effect of second injection timing on combustion indicate that there exists an optimal second injection timing to gain maximum engine output work for a given fuel split ratio.
- This paper draws from preprint 46: Two-stage Fuel Direct Injection in a Diesel Fuelled HCCI Engine
- Access the article at the publisher: DOI: 10.4271/2007-01-1880