A new iterative scheme for solving the discrete Smoluchowski equation
- A new iterative scheme for the discrete Smoluchowski equation is presented.
- The numerical properties of the method are explored for a range of kernels.
- The solver is extended to spatially dependent problems with non-uniform velocities.
- It is suggested how the performance of the method could render it useful in CFD applications to industrial coagulation problems.
This paper introduces a new iterative scheme for solving the discrete Smoluchowski equation and explores the numerical convergence properties of the method for a range of kernels admitting analytical solutions, in addition to some more physically realistic kernels typically used in kinetics applications. The solver is extended to spatially dependent problems with non-uniform velocities and its performance investigated in detail.
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- This paper draws from preprint 183: A New Iterative Scheme For Solving The Discrete Smoluchowski Equation
- Access the article at the publisher: DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2017.09.045