• CCE-139-106896-

A Smart Contract-based agent marketplace for the J-Park Simulator - a knowledge graph for the process industry

Authors: Xiaochi Zhou, Mei Qi Lim, and Markus Kraft*

Reference: Computers & Chemical Engineering 139, 106896, (2020)

  • A novel agent marketplace is built on top of blockchain-based Smart Contracts.
  • The agent marketplace is integrated into an agent composition framework, to support automated agent selection and payment.

Graphical abstract The chemical industry is increasingly relying on agents for data acquisition, optimization, and simulation. In order to enable efficient management of agents, Knowledge Graphs (KG) together with agent composition frameworks are therefore applied. However, a method to assess the reliability of agents for such systems is absent. Therefore, this paper proposes a Smart Contract-based agent marketplace for composition frameworks to estimate the reliability of agents. In this agent marketplace, we improved the feedback-based reputation system by leveraging Smart Contracts to eliminate fraudulent ratings and to enable automation. The marketplace incorporates a rating-dependent payment mechanism as well, to further enhance trust. The paper also illustrates how this marketplace is integrated into the J-Park Simulator (JPS) agent composition framework for the automated agent selection and transaction.

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*Corresponding author:
Telephone: +44 (0)1223 762784 (Dept) 769010 (CHU)
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
University of Cambridge
West Cambridge Site
Philippa Fawcett Drive
Cambridge CB3 0AS
United Kingdom
Website: Personal Homepage