• ASaT-47-734-745

The Suitability of Particle Models in Capturing Aggregate Structure and Polydispersity

Reference: Aerosol Science and Technology 47, 734-745, (2013)


This work presents the mathematical formulation of particle models commonly used in aerosol dynamics of nanoparticles. A detailed numerical study is conducted in order to understand under which conditions these models differ. The silica model of Shekar et al. (2012b) and silicon model of Menz et al. (2013) taken from the literature are analyzed using three different particle models, demonstrating that substantial errors can be incurred when using a particle model inappropriate for a particular modeling application. These errors can potentially be reflected in fitted parameters; should a parameter estimation procedure be employed with such models. It is concluded that the characteristic coagulation and sintering timescales define the conditions under which the use of a particular model is reasonable.

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Telephone: +44 (0)1223 762784 (Dept) 769010 (CHU)
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
University of Cambridge
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United Kingdom
Website: Personal Homepage