Technical Report 113, c4e-Preprint Series, Cambridge
A fully coupled simulation of PAH and soot growths with a population balance model
Reference: Technical Report 113, c4e-Preprint Series, Cambridge, 2012
In this paper we present a detailed soot population balance model. In the model, soot nanoparticles are described by primary particles which are made up of individual PAH molecules. This model improves on the previous PAH-PP model (Sander et al., 2011, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 33 675–683) as it accounts for particle rounding due to sintering and surface growth, and it fully couples the evolution of PAH and soot particles. For the first time, the model is described in detail and is used to simulate a variety of flames. From the detailed numerical solution, mass spectra and particle size distributions (PSDs) are extracted and compared with experiments. By using a new counting method and a simple collision efficiency model, experimental mass spectra has been qualitatively reproduced and the results fit well with the experimental PSDs of the various flames.
Material from this preprint has been published in Proceedings of the Combustion Institute.
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