Modelling drying and particle formation in spray towers
Time:15:30, 9th May 2007
Venue:LT1, Department of Chemical Engineering
Seminar outline:
This talk will give an introduction to spray drying, highlighting why a computational model of the process would be of interest to industry. The modelling framework adopted will be outlined, before focussing in detail on two aspects of this approach: modelling the continuous phase gas flow and simulating the drying of single droplets. In the course of this discussion, results will be presented showing CFD simulations of the flow field within a generic spray dryer, and the new droplet drying model developed in the CoMo group will be discussed in more detail. Finally, results from this droplet drying model as applied to the drying of aqueous sodium sulphate droplets will be presented, together with a comparison with experimental data.
Seminar transcript:
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