• AE-204-1412-1421

Knowledge management of eco-industrial park for efficient energy utilization through ontology-based approach

Authors: Chuan Zhang, Alessandro Romagnoli*, Li Zhou, and Markus Kraft

Reference: Applied Energy 204, 1412-1421, (2017)

  • An intelligent energy management system for Eco-Industrial Park (EIP) is proposed.
  • An explicit domain ontology for EIP energy management is designed.
  • Ontology-based approach can increase knowledge interoperability within EIP.
  • Ontology-based approach can allow self-optimization without human intervention in EIP.
  • The proposed system harbours huge potential in the future scenario of Internet of Things.

Graphical abstract An ontology-based approach for Eco-Industrial Park (EIP) knowledge management is proposed in this paper. The designed ontology in this study is formalized conceptualization of EIP. Based on such an ontological representation, a Knowledge-Based System (KBS) for EIP energy management named J-Park Simulator (JPS) is developed. By applying JPS to the solution of EIP waste heat utilization problem, the results of this study show that ontology is a powerful tool for knowledge management of complex systems such as EIP. The ontology-based approach can increase knowledge interoperability between different companies in EIP. The ontology-based approach can also allow intelligent decision making by using disparate data from remote databases, which implies the possibility of self-optimization without human intervention scenario of Internet of Things (IoT). It is shown through this study that KBS can bridge the communication gaps between different companies in EIP, sequentially more potential Industrial Symbiosis (IS) links can be established to improve the overall energy efficiency of the whole EIP.

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*Corresponding author:
Telephone: +6567905941
Address: School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
College of Engineering
Nanyang Technological University
Website: Personal Homepage